Respect Life

Respect Life Ministry Information

Mission Statement: 
The Pro Life Ministry promotes the sanctity and legal protection of human life from 
conception to natural death through prayer, pastoral care, public policy and education.

To accomplish our mission we focus on the following:

Education: we strive to invite all in the knowledge of current events as they pertain to laws regarding the protection of human life through supporting pro life legislation.

Community Support: we reach out to those in need by partnering with local organizations that help support the following:
(1) Food - by collecting needed items suggested monthly by our local food pantry
(2) Baby items - we help the local Presbyterian Church collect diapers and wipes for local parents.
Pregnancy Center - we have partnered with New Hope Center in Falmouth that offers guidance, classes, sonograms, baby clothes, and baby items to those needing help with a pregnancy so that they may choose life.

Diocesan Support and Stewardship - we invite all to attend special masses, prayer groups and events that promote the sanctity of life and fellowship with other pro life people that include:  events at the Diocese of Covington Basilica, pro life walks and in-house pro life rosary and pro life prayers.

Actions:  We organize parish functions for awareness of young mothers in need through baby showers for needed items and cash donations through a baby bottle drive.

WWMN : We have incorporated the Walking with Moms in Need Diocesan program into our Ministry through our efforts with young pregnant mothers in need

Objective:  To elevate and strengthen the culture of life at St Edward Catholic Church.