Our Photos
Fr Niby and Visitors
86/12/2022: Ice Cream Social
165/25/2022: 5th Grade Graduation Ceremony
105/24/2022: Preschool end of school activities: awards and graduation, etc
245/23/2022: St Edward School Field Day at Flat Run Park
875/20/2022: Some pictures of the 5th graders eating lunch downtown and going to the movies today. And pictures of Father Niby having fun with the students inside and outside today.
85/16/2022: Kindergarten is kicking off their week at camp Read-a-Lot!
105/6/2022: May Crowning Ceremony
344/22/2022: 5th graders attended “Recipe for Life” at the Harrison County Extension Office. The RFL program includes many life skills taught to these children: knife skills, food safety, math skills, reading skills, and science skills.
214/12/2022: Student council with the food pantry collection taken up during Lent by our students and their families. Thanks to all who sent in food for our food drive.