Holy Matrimony

Holy Matrimony

To ensure the right use of the procreative power God founded the institution of marriage: the lifelong and irrevocable union of one man and one woman.  Up to the time of Christ, marriage, although a sacred union, was still only a civil contract between a man and a woman. Jesus, however, took this contract, this exchange of marital consent between man and woman, and made the contract a conveyor of grace. He made Marriage a Sacrament; the Sacrament of Matrimony among Christians.

The Matrimonial Covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring; this covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a Sacrament.                                     

Marriage Preparation

Those wishing to celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony are asked to contact the Pastor nine (9) to twelve (12) months in advance of the proposed wedding date. It is recommended that a wedding ceremony occur in the church where a person is registered and regularly attends Holy Mass. Depending on the religious traditions of both the bride and groom the Church celebrates the Rite of Marriage inside or outside of Holy Mass.

In addition to meeting with the Pastor, it is required that engaged couples attend a Marriage Preparation Program and three (3) Natural Family Planning Sessions before their wedding date.  The Natural Family Planning Sessions require a three (3) month commitment.  For more information, please review the Family Life Ministry page on the Diocese of Covington website: https://covdio.org/catechesis-and-evangelization/family-life-ministry/


It is the Doctrine of the Church is that a person can only marry once in their lifetime.  A married person cannot enter another marriage unless their previous spouse has died, or if their previous marriage has been declared invalid by an Annulment.  Annulments can only be issued through a Canonical judiciary process overseen by the Tribunal of the person's home diocese.  Individual circumstances may determine the particular type of process and the duration of time that will require an Annulment to be declared.  It is highly recommended that those in need of an Annulment to contact the Pastor immediately.

For more information about Marriage and Annulments, please review the following article: Preserving the Sanctity of Marriage.